Kuril tea

The botanical name for Kuril tea is a bush cinquefoil. The plant belongs to the rose family and its habitat extends from Siberia and the Far East to the mountainous regions of Central Asia. Extensive shrubbery of Kuril tea is found in China, Mongolia, and Japan, where the benefits and harms of the plant have been known since ancient times. In oriental medicine, a healing drink is used to treat nervous and gastrointestinal diseases.


Kuril tea

What is Kuril tea

The botanical name for Kuril tea is a bush cinquefoil. The plant belongs to the rose family and its habitat extends from Siberia and the Far East to the mountainous regions of Central Asia. Extensive shrubbery of Kuril tea is found in China, Mongolia, and Japan, where the benefits and harms of the plant have been known since ancient times. In oriental medicine, a healing drink is used to treat nervous and gastrointestinal diseases.

Another name for the cinquefoil is shrubby cinquefoil.  On the jungle telegraph, it has been referred to as "a mighty something" for its powerful antibacterial and immunostimulating properties. The composition of Kuril tea is rich in vitamins (especially ascorbic acid), minerals, and trace elements. In addition to iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, calcium, and potassium, young shoots and roots of cinquefoil contain flavonoids, tannins, catechins, as well as natural antioxidants.

What are the health benefits of Kuril tea?

  1. It eliminates problems in the function of the gastrointestinal tract
  2. It strengthens the immune system
  3. It heals diseases of throat and lungs
  4. It has a positive effect on liver health
  5. It calms the nervous system and eliminates difficulty falling asleep
  6. It strengthens blood vessels and reduces blood pressure
  7. It increases blood clotting
  8. It improves the urinary system condition
  9. It helps in the treatment of gynecological diseases
  10. It has antibacterial properties


The brewing method for Kuril tea

For the preparation of Kuril tea as a tonic and general strengthening agent, one traditionally keeps to the following proportion:  1 glass of boiling water for 1 tablespoon (or less) of herbs. After brewing, you need to let the drink brew for 10 minutes, after which it can be consumed in any quantity hot, warm, or cold.

To prepare an infusion of cinquefoil for medicinal purposes, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of dried flowers with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours under a tight lid.

If you intend to use the medicinal brew externally, for example, for gargling, bathing of wounds, or douching, then you can increase the amount of raw material by 2-4 times. That is, take from 6 to 12 tablespoons of brew per 0.5 liters of water.


There are not so many restrictions on the intake of the Kuril tea infusions. Kuril tea should not be consumed in the following cases:

The presence of chronic liver and kidney disease. The diuretic and choleretic properties of the drink can adversely affect the functions of these organs.

Low blood pressure. The ability of cinquefoil to expand the blood vessel lumens will only aggravate the patient's condition with hypotension.

Pregnancy and lactation are also a contraindication to the use of Kuril tea due to possible allergic manifestations and additional stress on kidneys.

Individual intolerance. Once you feel any discomfort in the stomach, nausea, dizziness, or skin rashes after drinking fragrant tea, this drink is contraindicated for your body.

People who do not have serious chronic diseases can drink Kuril tea with almost no restrictions. However, you need to introduce it into your diet gradually to make sure that there are no negative reactions from the digestive and other systems.


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